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AMAC 10 Year Banquet

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AMAC 10 Year Anniversary

In 2011, Muslims across Tennessee united with their allies to defeat an anti-shariah bill that was passing through Tennessee legislature. A year later, the American Muslim Advisory Council was established to fight the rampant Islamophobia Tennessee Muslims were facing. 10 years later, AMAC continues to advocate for Muslim in Tennessee by defending religious liberty, amplifying our voices, and uplifting our communities.


Join AMAC on Saturday, December 10th, as we celebrate AMAC's 10 Year Anniversary with a celebration banquet at the Hilton Nashville Airport. We will have special guest speaker Linda Sarsour, civil rights activist and author of We Are Not Here to Be Bystanders. Awards will be given for AMAC's Community Champions. Babysitting will be provided.

Sponsorships and Ads - Deadline Dec. 4th

Table Sponsor:  $500, includes table of 8 and logo on program

Bronze Sponsor:  $1000, includes a table of  8 and a half page ad

Silver Sponsor: $2500, includes table of 8 and a full page ad

Gold Sponsor:  $5000, includes a table of 8, full page ad, and 5 minutes to speak during program


Ads in Program book:

Full page: $350

Half Page: $175

Quarter Page: $75


For sponsorships and ads, please email

Payments or donations can be made at


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