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Civic Engagement

Election Day
Registered to Vote?

In Tennessee, you can register to vote online or print out the registration form and mail it to your local county election commission. You can also check if your registration is up to date.

Get Educated for the 2024 Elections 

With municipal elections happening in many cities across Tennessee, find out more about the different race and candidates, and get educated on the important issues within this election. 

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Need to find your elected officials, district and polling location?

Click below to get all the information you need for the upcoming elections in Tennessee and look out for opportunities provided by AMAC to learn more about the candidates.

Need an Absentee Ballot?

If you are want to vote by mail for the November 3rd elections because of underlying health conditions that make you susceptible to COVID-19, you can request an absentee ballot now and vote by  mail. All absentee ballots must be received by 8pm eastern on November 3rd. Click below for a full list of those who can vote with absentee ballot.

Muslim Day on the Hill

Once a year, Tennessee Muslims head to the capitol to meet with their state representatives and senators to advocate on issues that affects their communities. Click here to read about the March 9, Muslim Day on the Hill.

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