Our Numbers Matter
Are You Ready to Fill Out the 2020 Census?
Deadline to fill it out is September 30!
Every 10 years, the U.S. government counts every single person who lives here. It is a fair and complete count: every race, income, background, old and young and babies too!
Political Representation
The census determines congressional seats, state legislature seats and district maps for our state. Our communities have grown. Let's make sure we get our fair share of representation.
Economic Growth
City and business leaders use census data to determine where to expand services such as fire stations, libraries and where to locate new businesses which helps grow our economy.
Federal Funds
Over $700 billion of federal funds - our tax dollars- are distributed to our communities using data from the census. That's money for schools, hospitals, roads, and other vital services. For every person not counted, we can lose $2,600 per year for 10 years in federal funds.
By law, census data is secure. Data is only generated for statistical use and cannot be shared with ICE, FBI, law enforcement or any other agencies. There are NO CITIZENSHIP or IMMIGRATION questions.
9 Easy Questions
How many people living in the house on April 1, 2020
Does everyone live most of the time at this address?
What kind of residence do you have? (House, apartment, mobile home)
Phone number of person filling out form
Age and Birthdate
Hispanic or non-Hispanic
Race (white, black, Asian Indian, etc) with room to add your ethnicity- Somali, Kurd, Syrian, etc
Click here to see a sample census form
Click here for more information on how to answer the race and ethnicity question
Beginning March 12:
Invitation to fill out the census mailed to every home address followed by 4 reminder letters until May.
March - September 30: Fill out the census on your own
April 1st: Official census day
Late April - Paper form sent
August-September: Official census worker will come to every home that has not filled out the census.
3 Easy Ways to Respond
Paper form in English and Spanish
Online form and phone translation in 13 different languages.
59 different language guides available for assistance
To take the census or for more information, visit
2020 Census Webinar:
Our Numbers Matter!
Learn more about the 2020 Census and have your questions answered from the American Muslim Advisory Council: