Election Alert: Citizen Verification Letter

Citizenship Verification Letter for Registered Voters
In June of 2024, the Tennessee Coordinator of Elections sent over 14,000 letters to registered voters requiring recipients to send proof of citizenship or request removal from voter rolls. The Secretary of State's office has not provided further details, citing legal threats. There is ambiguity over whether state laws were followed in verifying voter registration against the Department of Safety and federal databases. Additionally, it remains unclear if those wrongly identified as non-citizens need to act before the August 1 elections.
Instructions for Tennessee Residents Receiving the Letter
1. Do Not Panic:
Understand that receiving this letter does not mean your voter registration will be automatically purged.
The Secretary of State’s office has stated they will not be purging voters based on the letter recipients’ response or lack of response.
2. Seek Legal Assistance:
If you are still unsure about how to proceed or if you believe your rights are being violated, contact organizations such as the ACLU of Tennessee, the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) Votes, or other local advocacy groups for guidance and support.
ACLU Intake: https://bit.ly/3WbWru8
AMAC contact information:
Email: info@amactn.com
Phone: 615-988-6460
Election Protection Hotlines:
English: 866-OUR-VOTE – Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
3. Stay Informed and Engage with the Community:
Keep yourself updated on any developments related to this issue.
Join local community meetings or online groups to share your experiences and learn from others who might be in a similar situation.
Bringing our collective voices together is key in ensuring our rights are protected.
4. Report Any Intimidation or Harassment:
If you feel intimidated or harassed by the letter or any follow-up actions, report it to the appropriate authorities or advocacy organizations.
Voter intimidation is illegal and should be addressed promptly to protect your rights and those of residents across Tennessee.