As we are all making our way through the COVID-19 pandemic, below is information on ways to stay healthy and obtain resources that you may need to navigate this difficult time.
If you are in need in of this information in Spanish, Kurdish, Arabic, Urdu, and many other languages, you can find the translated information here.
Read more about the Omicron variant of covid-19 here.
Watch these videos on COVID Safety:
COVID PSA: How to protect yourself day to day by Dr. Abu Halimah Ahmad.
COVID PSA: What to do if you have been exposed. by Dr. Abu Halimah Ahmad
COVID PSA: What to do if you think/do have covid by Dr. Abu Halimah Ahmad
How to take care of someone who has tested positive for covid by Dr. Abu Halimah Ahmad
Kurdish Video by Dr. Zaid Brifkani: COVID-19 and Our Kurdish Community
State of Covid-19 in Nashville, November 18
COVID-19 Surge Update, Memphis, November 22
COVID-19 has a wide range of symptoms, but some are more common than others. Remember that symptoms can take up to 2-10 days to appear after exposure. Severity of symptoms will vary from case to case. The CDC website has a full list of reported COVID-19 symptoms, but some of the more common ones are listed here:
Fever and chills
Fever may fluctuate throughout the day
Dry cough
Shortness of breath
Muscle and body aches
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
For the Omicron variant of the covid, the more common symptoms are fever, headache, sore throat and runny nose.
For the omicron variant symptoms and information, click here.
If you would like to read more into the possible symptoms, click here.
What to do if You Think You are Sick:
If you were in close contact with someone who tested positive for covid, then you must quarantine if you have not been fully vaccinated.
Get a Covid Test!
If you think you might be sick with COVID-19, the first thing to do is to begin to limit exposure to the outside world and get tested! Find a testing location below or get a free at home testing kit at www.covid.gov/tests
Call Your Doctor for Available Treatments
Treatments are available within a limited time frame - 5 days- for those who test positive to covid. Call your doctor to see if you can qualify for prescription covid medicines that may reduce the severity of the disease and prevent hospitalization. Learn more about treatment options here.
If you begin to show severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, confusion, bluish lips or face, or an inability to stay awake- Call 911 or your local emergency room!
What to do if a Family Member is Sick:
Follow the same guidelines as above if a family member is sick. However, there are other ways to attempt to keep you and other healthy family members safe if someone you are close to or live with becomes sick.
Limit outings and have a non-sick or low risk family member make errands
When you leave, use a face covering, such as a mask
Afterwards, use hand sanitizer or wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before touching your face or others
Have only one family member provide care to the sick member
Open windows and use fans to circulate the air
Avoid touching the sick member
If you are sick, do not help prepare food
If possible, use a curtain, cardboard, or some other divider to further separate person who is sick
If the sick member cannot use a separate bathroom, disinfect bathroom and other surfaces immediately after use
If you are need of anymore information that is not available on this page, email info@amactn.com so we can connect you to the information as soon as possible.